WI Transfer Credit and Exceptions

NOTE: This page is available as a PDF.  

Fall: September 1 - October 30
Spring: February 1 - April 15

Exceptions to the 写作-Intensive (WI) Requirement:

General Note on 请愿书s: 在一般情况下, 如果有任何可获得WI信用的传统方法,则申请将不被接受, either in the immediate or future term. 换句话说,主要研究学生希望参加主要研究 WI课程以满足WI要求. 时间安排方便或达不到毕业要求则不然, 本身, provide valid grounds for petition.

1. WI Credit for Non-WI Designated 主要研究 Courses:

  • 写作委员会的立场是写作要求和WI课程列表都是确定的.  因此, 学生要求在非WI指定的主要研究课程中获得WI学分的请愿书将不予受理. 该禁令包括在WI指定之前或WI到期后注册课程的WI学分请求.
  • Important Note on WI Credit for 主要研究 Courses: The University 写作要求 is long-standing and well known, 在课程描述中明确列出写作密集属性. 因此, students should not assume that WI is negotiable, 或参加非WI指定课程,期望获得WI学分. 认为课程应该是WI的学生可以与教师或相关部门讨论这个问题. 简而言之, 学生必须更改课程名称才能获得WI学分. 学生 should understand that except under unusual circumstances, WI designations are fixed once a semester begins, 和WI课程指定不能追溯更改为前学期的学分.

2. WI Credit for: A) Transfer B) Administrative Correction C)其他:

  • A)转学分: To qualify for a WI credit, 转学课程必须来自主要研究注册处认可的认可机构. In addition, it must:
    • carry at least 3 semester credits and receive a letter grade.
    • 跑一跑 最低 6周.
    • meet one of the following three criteria:
      1. 做一个非虚构的人, 说明的, 或者技术写作课程,在标题中加上“写作”或“作文”.
      2. 是一个 正式指定  "写作 Intensive" course, listed as such the course catalog (ie, a formal WI curriculum comparable to 主要研究).
      3. 由独立的“写作系”或“写作”学科(如新闻学)开设的课程.

如果学生在主要研究获得了EN401学分,那么WI学分将不被考虑用于平行的基础或新生写作课程. EN401 equivalence is determined by the English Department.

Important Note on Transfer:

  • 常驻主要研究学生:写作委员会的立场是写作强化课程, as a core component of the undergraduate curriculum, are a defining component of a 主要研究 education. 因此,这些高影响力的学习经历最好由澳门葡京网赌游戏的教师指导. 此外,在主要研究之外记录WI教学方法是极其困难的. Resident 主要研究 students, 因此, should satisfy the 写作 requirement by enrolling in 主要研究 WI classes. This includes students in study abroad and other exchange programs, 谁应该在校外经历之前或之后计划满足WI要求.

    特别不鼓励住校学生试图通过外部手段来满足复杂的WI学分(专业和/或600级WI). Not only is approval multi-staged and problematic, 但写作委员会的立场是,这些重要的学科课程应该在联合国大学的课程范围内进行管理,并由联合国大学的教师教授.

  • 转学生:指从其他地方转来的学生, their transcripts have been screened for WI credit through the admissions process; 因此, 任何额外WI学分的请求都应及时完成, defined as before the end of their first full semester at 主要研究. After that point in time, students should assume that their WI status stands as is, 并应适当规划,以防止毕业短缺.
  • B) Administrative Correction: 对于由于某些官方活动而需要调整或更正其记录的学生(课程目录问题), academic department action, 顾问的错误, or some other 主要研究 organizational reason).

Important Note on Administrative Correction: Some of these cases could be within the domain of the Department, 学校/学院, 注册处, or the Academic Standards and Advising Committee. Check with your 顾问, the Academic Department, the Dean's Office of the school in question, 或注册处处长. You may 是一个ble to resolve the issue without a petition.

  • C)其他: 解决部门或项目的WI课程中导致不足的一些系统性问题, 或者其他不属于移送、行政矫正的情形.

请愿书 Instructions:


Download and print the 请愿书的形式 [PDF].

  1. Fill in the full information at the top.
  2. For the section that begins “I request…,说明你希望某一门课程被考虑为WI学分.  Fill in the following information for the course: 完整的课程编号、课程名称、系、讲师和学习日期. If for transfer, also be sure to include the full name of the institution.



  • A)转学分:  list this in the "Reasons for the request" section. 附上提供课程的机构提供的证明该课程符合上述转学分标准的文件.  请愿人有责任提供完整和明确的文件. 大纲和课程描述是可以的,但不是在所有情况下都是足够的. To establish that the course was part of a formal WI system elsewhere, 例如, 该机构政策中定义其WI课程体系的相关段落副本, 以及一份课程目录的复印件,证明该学生入学时所选课程是如此指定的, 是必需的. Please also provide URLs to online documentation, if available.  文件不充分或不完整将成为不批准的理由. Sign the form where it says "signature." For assistance in completing a petition, see C. 下面.
  • B) Administrative correction:  list this in the "Reasons for the request" section; provide a brief explanation of the circumstances surrounding the issue.  In such cases, official input is key.  The "顾问" comment area may be used for this, 但是一个签名, 由联合国大学相关官方来源(系主任和/或顾问)提供的文字处理备忘录, 教员, 大学, etc) would be most effective.  Attach it to the form and enter "see attached" in the comments area. For assistance, see C 下面. 
  • C)其他: Follow instructions as per Administrative Correction, to include comment from 主要研究 officials (Department, 顾问, 大学, 适当的).  The 写作 Committee is concerned with determining academic credit, 因此,“申请理由”部分不应详述个人情况,除了必要的理由之外(注意:需要WI学分才能毕业), 本身, provide valid grounds for petition).  For assistance with "other" cases, see C 下面.

C) Send your completed petition to the Director of University 写作 项目 at 主要研究.写作.项目@bikinganteng.com 

If, after reviewing the above instructions, you would like assistance with compiling a petition, or have any questions, contact the Director of the University 写作 项目.